Monday 7 September 2015

Motor Third Party Insurance Explained

Pic: Can Stock Photo

Its renewal season in Zimbabwe! I have been really puzzled over the past two weeks by the number of drivers on Zimbabwean roads who do not have a clue what Third Party insurance is and what it covers. So I went on google and I was even more surprised to see an old article by a local paper which was just as clueless as most drivers on what Third Party insurance is and how it works. So I thought it would be best to share what I know.

Third party insurance sometimes refereed to as Road Traffic Act cover is a legal requirement for all vehicles on Zimbabwean roads. That means for your car to get licensed to be on Zimbabwean roads, you should have a minimum Third Party insurance for your vehicle. This is meant to protect any other parties involved in an accident (besides yourself). It covers legal liabilities that arise after the policyholder (the person who took third party insurance) has caused harm to someone else's property or has injured or killed someone through their driving. However, third party insurance does not cover any damages to the insured parties vehicle.

So how does this Third Party insurance work?
I've had a lot of people tell me that this type of insurance does not have any 'benefits' and they only buy it to get ZINARA licensing. This is not true! Shame on any insurance companies telling this to their clients. Third party insurance MUST have a benefit. If you are involved in an accident with someone and it is established that you were at fault, your insurance company will be responsible for repairing the other persons property up to a certain limit. The last part is very important! Because Third Party insurance is the cheapest option when it comes to motor insurance, a cap is always placed on the amount the insurance companies can pay. So it is advisable to ask your insurance company the limit on the third party insurance that you purchase. I am sure some companies give you an option to increase the limit but at a price. Your insurance company will also pay to the third party if you injure/kill them, also up to a specified limit. They will also pay for injuries sustained by passengers in the insured vehicle. However, they usually specify that the passengers must have not paid any fare and  must not be related to the insured in any way. 

I guess all is clearer for you now. Remember insurance is not there for the purposes of licensing (only)! It is there to assist you in case something bad happens to you. Be careful of insurance companies who take your money and tell you that you will not get anything in the event of an accident.