Monday 18 April 2016

Independence special : Don't get distracted on the road

There are a lot of activities we take for granted when we drive that distract us from the the task of driving. These activities reduce our awareness, decision making and driving performance and can cause accidents.  Distracted driving endangers not only those behind the wheel but also their passengers, fellow road occupants and pedestrians.

These are some of the common distractions when driving
1. The most common distraction is obviously using the cellphone. There's no day I've gone out and not seen a driver either dialing, texting or calling on their cellphone. I don't know if drivers are just too ignorant or they don't know how fatal that can get.

2. The occupants in the car can also be a major distraction whilst you are driving. My dad likes looking at the person he'll be talking to even when he is driving and we have had a lot close misses on the road because of it (Sorry for calling you out dad).

3. Another dangerous distraction when driving is being lost in thought. I remember Ruvhi Pari explaining how she got hit by a train because she was lost in thought. I don't really know how to avoid this distraction but I think avoiding driving  completely when you have too much on your mind is a good idea.

4. Eating and drinking whilst driving or even smoking, that includes smoking itself, lighting up a cigarette or putting ashes in the tray

5. Selecting a song on your radio

6. Personal grooming that includes shaving, combing your hair or applying makeup

7. Moving objects such a pets. I have seen a lot of people driving with a dog on their lap. Unless you can predict what a dog is thinking you shouldn't risk putting it on a position that might cause distraction for you.

Its important to note that only a few of these activities will cause you to get a traffic fine although they can divert your attention from driving. It is up to you as the driver in a motor vehicle to focus on driving safely. You can only focus on one thing at a time. If you don't, the result is that neither driving nor the other task are done well. Driving is a task that involves multiple points of information which is continuously processed from road signs/signals, speedometer displays, interaction from other vehicles, and requiring us to make corrections to our driving pattern. Focusing on other distractions in the vehicle can result in a decrease of cognitive processing, resulting in reduced reaction times. Your sences are sometimes not able process things normally if they are distracted by something else.

Ways you can reduce distracted driving

Parents & families can set out some ground rules. Clear communication in the family is important  and letting your family members know what you expect of them when they drive could save their life and yours in future.  

Companies can create driver safety policies on all the activities I have mentioned  and make sure all employees read and acknowledge them. Companies safety policies should clearly communicate what’s expected of their drivers. This does is not only limited to distractions but other issues such pre and post trip inspections and maintenance. We know most of these things but we forget them as soon as we get our provisional driver's license.  I have already written on driving under the influence and I think companies and families should clearly communicate that there is zero tolerance for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Lastly all drivers should be mentally and physically alert prior to each trip, all occupants should wear their seat-belts at all times (even those at the back seat), drivers must hold a valid license for their vehicle and carry it at all times, never exceed the posted speed limit and obey all traffic laws.

That said, Happy Independence Day Zimbabwe. Be safe on the roads.